Fabula Arts is proud to be supporting schools and education settings on their Artsmark journey,
inspiring children and young people to create, experience, and participate in great arts and
We offer education settings who are working towards, or currently hold, an Artsmark Award the
following opportunities:
Exciting and inspiring one-day workshops or after-school clubs in art, creative writing and/or drama
that actively involve the children and young people delivered by experienced artist practitioners.
Engaging bespoke longer projects that use art, creative writing and/or drama to explore a particular
Have a look at our website for more information about our Play in a Week project, our Shakespeare workshops and our Lost Words project.
Primary and secondary aged pupils in Key stages 2 to 4
Sessions can be delivered in your school or in bespoke settings. Currently, we are working with Acorn Early Years Foundation in Salcey Forest and with the Wildlife Trust to deliver our Lost Words project in outdoor settings.
Fabula Arts staff are a combination of educationalists and artists.
Our background in teaching and leading departments means we can work with your staff to help
them embed the creative arts successfully in the curriculum.
We also work closely with theatre companies who can bring performances into your schools.
We are happy to discuss bespoke pricing for all our opportunities and we are happy to work with
you to apply for funding.
To find out more about how Fabula Arts can support your Artsmark journey, contact James at
info@fabulaarts.co.uk and visit our website (www.fabulaarts.co.uk)