Nottinghamshire Music Education Hub is a group of music organisations and schools working together to deliver exciting and engaging music making opportunities for children and young people in Nottinghamshire through key stage 1 to 5.
We offer progression routes in singing, music and music tech from 5 years to year 13 – do have a look at our activity listings here:
Our offer:
* Whole Class Ensemble Teaching – Free WCT term offer per academic year, and Year Long WCT programme
* Small Group Tuition in school
* Ensemble Tuition in schools
* Full DBS certified professional teaching staff
* After School bands and ensembles
* Remission scheme
* Instrument Loan Scheme
* Singing & Vocal development programme, inc. out of school ‘Inspired Voices’ a cappella choir
* Music CPD Network for Primary and Secondary phase
* Subsidised digital music resources via Charanga
* SEN support
* National partnership networks (inc. NYCGB, NYOGB, Orchestras Live, Opera North, Royal Opera, Halle Orchestra)
* Local partnership networks (inc. Royal Concert Hall, Music For Everyone, Voice Choice, NUSIC, Sinfonia Viva, Confetti)
* Inspire Youth Arts partnership (KS3+ focus, in + out of school provision, Music Tech, SEN, LAC, Able Orchestra, Rock School)
* Arts Award Supporter
* Music Mark Schools Network
We are supported by public funding from the DfE and Arts Council England.