Doodle Dance was founded by Jo Cone of JoConeDance. Jo’s passion for supporting people to have ownership in their own learning came from a long history of working with children, adults and older adults with a variety of barriers to expression, or being heard. To support a child’s health, many schools are likely to be looking towards activities that require little or no resources. The answer is DANCE!
Making A Move was written during the Covid 19 pandemic and the 30 creative ideas are aimed at key stage 1 & 2 allow the children to respond imaginatively to movement ideas without the use of physical contact.
The lessons are ‘stand-alone’, yet they include ideas for differentiation that could be used to develop the work over several sessions.
Jo, Louise or Claire are happy to deliver CPD for schools either by a physical visit or through platforms such as Skype or Zoom.
The downloadable book is priced at £20.
Duration: Various