Fun Palaces is an ongoing campaign for ‘community at the heart of culture and culture at the heart of every community’ – led by and for that community, with an annual weekend of action – arts, science, craft, tech, digital, heritage and sports events and activities – run by and for local communities.
Fun Palaces supports local people to co-create their own cultural and community events, across the UK and worldwide, sharing and celebrating the genius in everyone. Every year the campaign grows and there are more and more Fun Palaces events taking place across the country (more than 350 in 2019). The Fun Palaces project is a joyous life-affirming act of community and sharing and, as the name suggests, are great fun!
Like everything else, the Fun Palaces project had to be paused during the pandemic, but when it returned in October 2022, there were more places involved in the East Midlands than ever before, so now’s the time to consider getting involved in 2023!
The next Fun Palaces weekend will take place 6 to 8 October 2023.
Check out the website and get involved….